Paying a Quick Homage to Jon Hamm

Today is Jon Hamm’s birthday but, seeing as how it’s a Thursday, the only real way to celebrate the man who brought Don Draper to life is by drinking a simple Canadian Club neat… at the office.

Oh, and yes, that is absolutely my personal bar at my desk. Do you expect anything less?

The rocks glass is a favorite of mine and was purchased at Fishs Eddy here in New York. I highly recommend it.

If you don’t have Canadian Club on hand, Draper has been also seen with a bottle of Old Overholt. Any old rye will do though. Just be sure to check your office policies before you go tippling on the clock.

Happy Birthday, Hamm!

Sip smart (especially among your colleagues),

Buvette’s Vesper

buvette vesper Pictured is the Vesper at Buvette along with one of my absolute favorite accessories, my needlepoint Smathers & Branson wallet featuring an elephant sipping on a martini.

Over the course of the last seven months, a lot has changed in my life. Just under six months ago, I left my position as Editorial Director, Copy Editor, and head of Dish + Drink at BTRtoday in exchange for a Copy Editor position at The Daily Meal, where I am now. This change has been hectic, fun, trying, and exciting, but it’s also left me with every excuse in the book for not paying attention to Don The Rocks. Naturally, I feel pretty shitty about that and have for quite some time, but I have another excuse for my lack of updates: I’ve been working really hard to improve my lifestyle.

Unfortunately, focusing as hard as I’ve been on working out more than I was six months ago and incorporating a slightly more plant-based diet into my everyday meal planning leaves little room for cocktail invention. Let’s face it: Continue reading

The Poolside Gin

Ginger Gin Gimlet // Don The Rocks
There are no words to explain my laziness when it comes to the upkeep of this blog. I have many, many, many updates to share along with more cocktail recipes, anecdotes, and excuses.

Seven months after my last post, I am coming out of the woodwork to share my latest creation (and a long-awaited apology–sorry!).

In the meantime, I’m excited to share a fantastic summer cocktail that fits perfectly for late July.

The Poolside Gin Continue reading

Best of 2014, Part I: Rosemary Gin-Gin Mule

Rosemary Gin Gin Mule

I suppose at this point I am resigned to SUCKING at keeping up with this blog. I love doing it, but I’m lazy and I push it to the bottom of my to-do list on an all too regular basis. For this, I sincerely apologize, but as a way to make up for lost recipes and the sheer lack of content I have produced in 2014, I’m generating a whole hell of a lot of content throughout the next several days (and months? maybe? I’m trying).

Thankfully, I–along with the rest of my company–was granted two full weeks of paid vacation, but prior to that I was banging out recipes like it was nobody’s business. Of course, I curate at least one drink per week, but I haven’t been keeping my promise to myself that I’d share all of that here.

So, first thing’s first: a good ole mule cocktail.
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Winter Fizz

Honey Grapefruit Gin Fizz // Don The Rocks

So, winter is weird when it comes to cocktails. I personally have tried time and time again to get behind the hot toddies and the warmed cocktails, but I can’t help myself when it comes to a cold cocktail. I’d rather wear a heavy sweater and put some ice in my drink. Maybe this winter will be the winter I finally change my mind, but I don’t have high hopes.

In the meantime, I’m combining wintry flavors like honey and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice to make a gin fizz that rivals the summer weather ones and may be just as warming as a hot toddy.
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