Best of 2014, Part I: Rosemary Gin-Gin Mule

Rosemary Gin Gin Mule

I suppose at this point I am resigned to SUCKING at keeping up with this blog. I love doing it, but I’m lazy and I push it to the bottom of my to-do list on an all too regular basis. For this, I sincerely apologize, but as a way to make up for lost recipes and the sheer lack of content I have produced in 2014, I’m generating a whole hell of a lot of content throughout the next several days (and months? maybe? I’m trying).

Thankfully, I–along with the rest of my company–was granted two full weeks of paid vacation, but prior to that I was banging out recipes like it was nobody’s business. Of course, I curate at least one drink per week, but I haven’t been keeping my promise to myself that I’d share all of that here.

So, first thing’s first: a good ole mule cocktail.
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